Sunday, December 18, 2011

My Plan

So I have decided, after finally getting the cord back on my crockpot, I am going to start a blog about various recipes I try either from the internet, or that friends suggest to me. The plan is to post the recipe I use, as well as any modification I have made, the source I received it from as well as the feedback from the family.

On top of that, since I'm too lazy to do 2 blogs, I am also going to post about my shopping experiences. As some of you know, I spent $213 on Christmas stuff (this is not all inclusive, just what I was able to find after the fact) and without my savings, I would have spent $583. So using a variety of techniques, I saved $370!!!

So sit back, relax, as long as grocery shopping goes smoothly, I should be posting my first recipe tonight!!! Woohoo!!!

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to your updates! Also, you starting this blog reminded about how much I had wanted to but forgot so I'll blog stalk you from mine! :D
